Tuakana - Employee Wellbeing Check-In App

02 April 2020

When Vodafone released their wellbeing app, we were super inspired by what they were doing to support their people and saw an opportunity to support our own whanau while also making it available to everyone.

That’s why we created Tuakana.

Tuakana translates to elder sibling from Te Reo, that big brother or sister that you can bring your problems to; no matter how big or small, without judgement.

It’s a way for our people to tell us both individually and collectively how they’re feeling and whether we are doing enough to support them.  It’s also a way for our people to confidentially and privately let our people & culture team know when they’re not OK.

"During these crazy times, we wanted to make it easy to check-in with every single person of our 200+ whanau across Aotearoa..."

Mike Jenkins, CEO & Founder

We need our people to know that it’s OK to not be OK.  To know that there is no judgement, no stigma and no shame about it.  This doesn’t just apply during a crisis, but at a time like this, we saw it as an opportunity to reinforce this message to our people. 

However, it’s not just The Instillery whanau that needs to hear this message, which is why we’ve released the app’s framework and instructions for how to create your own version at no cost.

Like COVID-19, removing the stigma associated with mental wellbeing is a fight that we’re all in together and we need to get better at looking after ourselves and one another.

Stay safe and look after each other. Kia Kaha.

Create your own Employee Wellbeing Check-In app